Vulnerable EoM Rogue Capital Shipyard
The Rogue Capital Shipyard's defenses appear to have lowered and it is now vulnerable to a demolition attack.
This capital shipyard is primarily being used to supply, repair and make ready operational EoM dreadnoughts for new assault operations. The EoM Rogue Capital Shipyards are priority targets for initial assault operations
This capital shipyard is primarily being used to supply, repair and make ready operational EoM dreadnoughts for new assault operations. The EoM Rogue Capital Shipyards are priority targets for initial assault operations
Vulnerable EoM Rogue Capital Shipyard
No data available.
Vulnerable EoM Rogue Capital Shipyard
Signature radius: 20000 m
Structure and speed:
Mass: 100000 kg
Volume: 100000000 m3
Cargo capacity: 10000 m3
Structure Hitpoints 10000
Shield Capacity 1000
Shield recharge time 86400000
Armor Hitpoints 10000
Accuracy falloff 0
Turret Tracking 0
Optimal Range 0
Entity Rewards:
Security Status Kill Amount 0