Batch Compressed Monoclinic Bistot
Monoclinic bistot is a variant of bistot with a slightly different crystal structure. It is highly sought-after, as it gives a 10% higher yield than its straightforward counterpart.
Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.
This material was compressed using an older process that compressed batches of raw materials into units using a set input quantity. Newer compression technology uses a more flexible one-to-one unit compression system.
Bistot is a very valuable ore as it holds large portions of Zydrine and Pyerite. It also contains a decent amount of Mexallon.
This material was compressed using an older process that compressed batches of raw materials into units using a set input quantity. Newer compression technology uses a more flexible one-to-one unit compression system.
Structure and speed:
Mass: 1e35 kg
Volume: 4.4 m3
Cargo capacity: 0 m3
Required skills:
3386 1
EW - Resistance:
Stasis Webifier Resistance 0
Reprocessing Skill 60380
Base materials:
Pyerite: 3520
Mexallon: 1320
Zydrine: 176
Extra materials:
Monoclinic Bistot: 1000
Skills needed:
Bistot Processing: 4
Fuzzwork blueprint calculator
Tritanium: 0
Pyerite: 3520
Mexallon: 1320
Isogen: 0
Nocxium: 0
Zydrine: 176
Megacyte: 0
Morphite: 0