EVE Online Ships

Sun B0 (Fruitful Immanence) (celestial objects Sun)

Sun B0 (Fruitful Immanence) (not published)

Sun B0 (Fruitful Immanence)


This was originally a luminous blue star of a class of deep interest to the Triglavian Collective. Manipulation of this star by a Triglavian Dazh Porevitium Transmuter has caused profound changes in this stellar body, and throughout the system surrounding it.

More typical members of this star class are known for powerful stellar winds and rapid rotation. These stars generate most of their energy at the center of their mass in a thermonuclear fusion process involving a carbon-nitrogen-oxygen (CNO) catalytic cycle. Stars of this type generally show strong non-ionized helium lines and some have a chemistry that results in very strong lines, leading to the designation 'helium-strong'.

Structure and speed:
  • MassMass: 1e18 kg
  • VolumeVolume: 1 m3
  • Cargo capacityCargo capacity: 0 m3

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