EVE Online Ships

Caldari Rook Cruiser (NPC structures Large Collidable Object)

Caldari Rook Cruiser (not published)

  • RaceRace: Caldari
Caldari Rook Cruiser


Built to represent the last word in electronic warfare, combat recon ships have onboard facilities designed to maximize the effectiveness of electronic countermeasure modules of all kinds. Filling a role next to their class counterpart, the heavy assault cruiser, combat recon ships are the state of the art when it comes to anti-support support. They are also devastating adversaries in smaller skirmishes, possessing strong defensive capabilities in addition to their electronic superiority.

Developer: Kaalakiota

As befits one of the largest weapons manufacturers in the known world, Kaalakiota's ships are very combat focused. Favoring the traditional Caldari combat strategy, they are designed around a substantial number of weapons systems, especially missile launchers. However, they have rather weak armor and structure, relying more on shields for protection.

Structure and speed:
  • Structure Hitpoints Structure Hitpoints 100000000

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